Bush kindy was very productive

Bush kindy was very productive today. When we got to the gully the people from Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust were there repotting some baby plants. We got to help!
Some of us repotted, others gave the plants a big drink. Then we formed a production line to pass them into the greenhouse. We put 65 plants in the greenhouse and helped fill the truck bed with over 200 baby plants!
Then we went exploring! We noticed lots of the same plants that we had repotted, we saw a birds nest, cicada shells, and deep puddles.
We found a new path and discovered a really cool incline to climb and explore!
Ngā tamariki are Learning so much during our time in the gully. How to help each other, what hazards to look out for, testing their own limits, and how to slow down and just explore without any agenda.
Today, being able to help the restorers was an amazing opportunity to show ngā tamariki how they can care for our environment and ensure we have a lovely place to live.